Friday, May 25, 2012

Snoop Dog & the morning marinade

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going to Vestal, NY for work. At first, I wasn't to thrilled with leaving for this training because there is so much to do at work, I couldn't see a reason to set those things aside & take time for a training session. ...I love it when God shows you that you're wrong! The training was just what I needed--I think I spent the whole first day of the session crying because we watched so many movie clips driving home the message of inspiration, communication, teamwork, passion, understanding, name it! The second day was filled with trying on new coaching skills...that "leaves others in their greatness." ; )

The last sentence may sound quite familiar to a handful of you. ; ). It made me smile & gave me a big hug of reassurance that my journey continues on a path that looks a little different, it's just as beautiful--& aligned with the same honest intentions of the heart.

While I was there, I did get a chance to try a hot yoga class--Vestal style (actually, Johnson City,NY) at the "Evolve" studio. I walked in a few quick minutes before the beginning of class...I was the first! ...?!? That never happens! It ended up being two other girls, the teacher, & myself. It was different to me in the way that we had mirrors all around us & everthing started on the left. Even the "roll onto your right side" after savasana was a "roll onto your left". No judgement, just different. There were a few cues that landed awesomely (yeah, that's a word.). But what I loved the most were the yogis that we're there--one of the girls just came right (or left?) out & said, "I'm terrible at this!!!--but I love how I feel when I I keep coming back!!"

Bam!--that's it sister! : )

Not only the yogis were cool, but the people in our Vestal office were the same. They were so inviting & gracious! As a parting gift, they sent us home with "Spiedie Sauce"--it's a marinade that is used in that region of NY apparently. They put it on any sort of meat, marinade it for 24 hours to 3 days, grill on skewers, put it all on bread, & chow down.

I had my parents over to grill yesterday. I hadn't gotten the marinade on the night before, so as I got ready for work, I prepped the chicken. Now, I dont know if anyone else feels this way--but raw chicken juice grosses me out beyond belief. It's not the juice itself, but what it smells like if you happen to drip some of the juice on a rug, floor, etc. with not knowing you've done so. Years ago, I was prepping a bunch of chicken & some of the juice spilled onto one of my rugs. Talk about a foul...or should I say...fowl smell! Upset that the rug wasn't going to recover if I put it in the washer & dryer...& spot cleaning wasnt an option due to the rank odor...I had to let the rug go.

So yesterday morning...prepping, remembering the importance of not getting chicken juice on anything--I carefully picked up the packaging & started walking over to the trash. Almost immediately, there was random dripping!, I sped up my pace to the trash, it sped up its dripping pace, I then slipped on the juice & bit it on the floor...horrified--chicken juice everywhere! As I cleaned up, Snoop Dog lyrics crept in...Gin & Juice...but it was more like..."slippin' on chick'en juice" has yet to leave my head...

The Spiedie's were tasty!!! I had told a friend at work about my morning...& you've gotta love it when someone you are unaware that knows comes up & says..."does anyone smell chicken juice??".

Good luck to you as you prep for this holiday!

Have a beautiful & "laid back" holiday weekend everyone!!!

<3 Rhi