Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Happy Heart

Many times tonight I those pauses I would feel a rush of tears coming & my eyes grew big with the realization that I'm doing what I love.

I watch people strive to do & become their best. I get to see their "ah-ha" moments. I feel the energy that a group brings to a room & I get to dance with it. The dance tonight began with laughter & openness...then calm & centering, frustration & edginess, exhaustion...yet still engaged, tension...releasing into warm gratitude & celebration, and finally...a surrender to stillness. What kept coming to my mind during all of this is "something big is happening". I was watching transformation. It was beautiful.

All of this goes on in a yoga class.

I see my students. I see them trying on new things & rising to the challenge. My favorite is when they try & their face lights up. Or maybe it's when they try & they start laughing when it doesn't work the first time...second...third...but they still try & they still laugh while doing so. Or maybe...when you can feel them internally cursing you & wanting out of a pose, but as they leave class they have lightness in their face & a peaceful bliss coma going on. Or maybe...during the smaller more intimate classes, we play....customize it to whatever they want...& not only do they get a practice out of it, they build friendships, & community as well.

I guess that I could go on about my favorites, because they really don't run out.

I'm doing what I love...& for that, I am grateful.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Date w/ Sting ; )

The pictures I posted today pretty much sum up my day.

This sums up my night quite nicely...

I hope you enjoy it.

Love & Warm Hugs,

Rhi ; )

Monday, July 8, 2013

Vatican City!!!

Monday~July 8, 2013

I LOVE Rome!!! Love, love, love it!!! (Had to share...had to!)


Todays Agenda: Walking tour of Vatican City with Roman Candle Tours

A quick little quirk to share: My ironic breakfast selection~Eggs Benedict!!!

Filipo was our tour guide~a small group of eight! We covered the Vatican Museums, Greek & Roman Statuary Collection, Gallery of the Maps, Gallery of the Tapestries, Old Papal Apartments, Rooms of Raphael, Sistine Chapel, & St. Peters Basilica.

I took a ton of pictures! I actually went through six batteries today in my camera~craziness. I started taking notes, but then bagged that since I only have two hands. I honestly couldn't tell you what I took pictures of~especially once we got to the Fresco paintings. They are beautiful though...& I can't wait to share them!

After the tour, I found myself just wandering as usual. It really is great to only have a few things planned & then just allow your surroundings to unfold into your own custom experience.

I stayed at Saint Peters Basilica for quite some time. I attended Mass... ; ) (Pope Francesco was unfortunately not in attendance.) I found myself closing my eyes quite a bit during Mass. The experience really overwhelmed my senses; taking in the exquisite detail of Bernini's grandiose work, listening to the angelic sounds of the visiting choir from Cambridge University, trying to pick out any distinct root words & use my dwindling Spanish vocabulary to then translate a few words from the entire Italian Mass, ...just allowing myself to listen to the beauty of the Italian language without thinking about it, & actually realizing that I'm sitting in a space with such an amazing & rich history.

Insanely Beautiful.

After Mass, I went beneath the basilica to see the tombs of previous popes~including the tomb of Saint Peter. The only thought that kept on coming up was..."The Apostle???....You mean the one that hung out with Jesus?!?...& this is his resting place...??....& I'm looking at it??" Moments like these seem unreal to me. These are characters in "stories"...& I know that they're real...but now the truth of their existence is being solidified in front of me...


Next wandering locations:
Castel Sant Angelo
Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, Ponte Sant' Angelo, & Ponte Umberto I
Street Vendors
Adami for dinner~Pizza with Mozzarella, Sausage, & Mushrooms

...& then I went back! Back to Saint Peters Piazza to take it all in at night.

The view truly made my heart soften. <3

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 1 & 2: The Walking "Grateful" Dead

Flight Schedule...

July 26, 2013 (Wed)
GRR 11:37 - CVG 12:45
CVG 17:40 - CDG 08:00 (+1)

*First Chocolate Pastry ; )
*Indulged in a quick 10-minute Chair Massage

July 27, 2013 (Thurs)
CDG 10:20 - BOD 11:35

I left for the airport Wednesday in a small panic, but more so, I was extremely grumpy from lack of sleep. I hadn't slept in over 27 hours...& if you know me well, you know that I require lots of sleep. Lots.

As my parents were saying their goodbyes at the airport, it was probably easier for them to part with me...& my grumpy attitude. ; ) I love you Mom & Dad~thank you for putting up with me. Xoxo

Once on the plane, the adrenaline began to kick in...there was no sleeping.

The Cincinnati layover was long...but I had to repack my suitcase in a neat & orderly fashion, as my last minute jam session wasn't cutting it for my OCD. This made the layover go by quickly. The organizing also put my mind at ease. When I was finished, I took a picture...I was a happy girl once again!

The flight to France was fantastic! I was greeted by the Air France flight attendants, wearing the most stunning red dress uniforms~the perfect shade of red/blue. Mmmm...still envious. There was a vast selection of movies from which to choose. I ended up choosing two films that I felt would complement my trip the most (with the exception of the silent portion).

Les Miserables (never seen before)
Gladiator (of course...I can't even count how many times I've seen this & most likely, this movie is the reason I'm going to Rome)

I watched them in that order. And from the second Anne Hathaway started singing... I. Was. A. Mess.

Fast forward to arriving at the step of Chambres de Gambetta...

So, you know how when little kids are so tired they cry?!? You could promise them a pony, try to give them their favorite candy, etc., but they're still delusional & crying?!?

That was me.

My room was beautiful. The entire flat balanced simplicity & delicate detail in a way that made me fantasize of what life would be like if living there permanently. I had to chuckle, as I began to realize while looking around~ that I had booked a completely different place than what I had thought I booked. But what was delivered, couldn't have been more perfect for me. ; )

After settling in, I walked down Cours de I'Intendance. I was tearing up at the site of anything foreign to me~which was everything. Beautiful doors, intricate details in their street lighting, Rue de Saint Catherine, Grande Theatre, etc. I was completely overwhelmed with gratitude...& uncontrollable alligator tears.

I made one decision before turning around & heading back to my room to collapse for the night: I booked a wine tasting tour for the next morning. ; )

Monday, November 26, 2012

One Year

Dear Harlow,
One year.
6 months of little sleep, asking my parents to babysit…just so I could sleep, 3 pairs of my worn-in-perfectly cotton “woobie” yoga pants, 1 pair of lulu yoga pants, 3 pairs of patent leather shoes, 3 bras, 1 book, my favorite red wedge mary jane heels, Aunt Laurie’s flip-flops, my flip-flops, my favorite pillow, my “list”, Gram’s shoes, multiple tree ornaments…& that doesn’t even touch the stuff that survived despite the holes, & oh yes… potty-training.
As long as that list could be, it wouldn’t begin to compare in length if you were able to make one regarding me. My inconsistency would most likely top your list…
But that’s the beauty—dogs do not make lists, you just love. You’re a constant reminder of who I am, who I’m not, who I don’t have to try to be, how I can become better, where I can let go, where I can step it up, what is not important, & who is important.
Here are just a few things you’ve taught me that stand out most…
• Saying yes to every invite is not necessary, nor healthy.
• The “guilt” of being a parent (even to an animal) will always surface. So—accept it, make the best choice for both of you, & let it go. When it creeps back up… repeat.
• A slipcover that is clean AND put back on the sofa = A small, yet gratifying feat
• White Furniture + Black Dog = God’s sense of humor
• Over-analyzing is pointless.
• Smiles & Wags are sufficient displays of gratitude.
• Personalities are meant to be multi-dimensional.
• Frustration & force do not make someone the Alpha.
• Presence & appreciation are more fulfilling than any treat.
• A transparent bag of less-than-solid poop is a conversation starter for all curious children & a slice of humility for an adult.
• The metaphor of picking up the poop you’re responsible for is much more profound than the task itself.
So, yes—One year.
6 months of snoozing next to a cuddly puppy that sleeps-in later than me, multiple claw marks on my yoga mat that remind me who I get to see when I arrive home, 2 pairs of shoes (1 patent leather) simply relocated just for fun, 6 tennis-balls to fish out from under the couch or bed, 1 king-size duvet that mysteriously finds its way into the living room, 5 toys stolen from neighbors yards–“found” by you, 1 tree ornament (so far) found on the rug (unharmed), 1 cozy puppy to warm my feet while standing at the sink, too many kisses to count, 1 heart that melts, 2 eyes that tear up just thinking how grateful I am to have you in my life…& oh yes, my very own human-training.
Best. Dog. EVER.
Love, Hugs, Smiles, & Wags~

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Nuggets" that spoke to Doris

After I had shared my "Rhi-minders" I found a bunch of quotes & scripture that I've noted as well. It's like..."Pinterest" before Pinterest when it comes to quotes, words, etc. This blog is more of a catch-all for basically whatever fits at the moment. It's a lot easier for me to take from my journals (handwritten) & post them since I'm not thinking of an audience when I do that. You get more of a raw version of me & I'm quite okay with that. So...having said that, I was going to post some of the quotes & scriptures that I've held onto...but tonight, I was going through some of my Grandparents books & found quotes & scripture that my Gramma had written & saved. I won't post it all at once. But I love to wonder what was going on in her life as she captured these words & what they meant to her in that moment... This stuff is a treat, finding these little gems won't last forever... Enjoy!


Barnetts book of quotes

When the love of power is overcome by the power of love, then there will be peace.

Who is convinced again of his will is of the same opinion still.

Pride blew it; let humility have a chance.

Pride halts progress.

A sense of humor is a sign of health.

Anger is. Rage need not be.

God is the architect. I am the builder.

Feelings are facts.

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child. I Corinthians 13:11

Friday, May 25, 2012

Snoop Dog & the morning marinade

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going to Vestal, NY for work. At first, I wasn't to thrilled with leaving for this training because there is so much to do at work, I couldn't see a reason to set those things aside & take time for a training session. ...I love it when God shows you that you're wrong! The training was just what I needed--I think I spent the whole first day of the session crying because we watched so many movie clips driving home the message of inspiration, communication, teamwork, passion, understanding, name it! The second day was filled with trying on new coaching skills...that "leaves others in their greatness." ; )

The last sentence may sound quite familiar to a handful of you. ; ). It made me smile & gave me a big hug of reassurance that my journey continues on a path that looks a little different, it's just as beautiful--& aligned with the same honest intentions of the heart.

While I was there, I did get a chance to try a hot yoga class--Vestal style (actually, Johnson City,NY) at the "Evolve" studio. I walked in a few quick minutes before the beginning of class...I was the first! ...?!? That never happens! It ended up being two other girls, the teacher, & myself. It was different to me in the way that we had mirrors all around us & everthing started on the left. Even the "roll onto your right side" after savasana was a "roll onto your left". No judgement, just different. There were a few cues that landed awesomely (yeah, that's a word.). But what I loved the most were the yogis that we're there--one of the girls just came right (or left?) out & said, "I'm terrible at this!!!--but I love how I feel when I I keep coming back!!"

Bam!--that's it sister! : )

Not only the yogis were cool, but the people in our Vestal office were the same. They were so inviting & gracious! As a parting gift, they sent us home with "Spiedie Sauce"--it's a marinade that is used in that region of NY apparently. They put it on any sort of meat, marinade it for 24 hours to 3 days, grill on skewers, put it all on bread, & chow down.

I had my parents over to grill yesterday. I hadn't gotten the marinade on the night before, so as I got ready for work, I prepped the chicken. Now, I dont know if anyone else feels this way--but raw chicken juice grosses me out beyond belief. It's not the juice itself, but what it smells like if you happen to drip some of the juice on a rug, floor, etc. with not knowing you've done so. Years ago, I was prepping a bunch of chicken & some of the juice spilled onto one of my rugs. Talk about a foul...or should I say...fowl smell! Upset that the rug wasn't going to recover if I put it in the washer & dryer...& spot cleaning wasnt an option due to the rank odor...I had to let the rug go.

So yesterday morning...prepping, remembering the importance of not getting chicken juice on anything--I carefully picked up the packaging & started walking over to the trash. Almost immediately, there was random dripping!, I sped up my pace to the trash, it sped up its dripping pace, I then slipped on the juice & bit it on the floor...horrified--chicken juice everywhere! As I cleaned up, Snoop Dog lyrics crept in...Gin & Juice...but it was more like..."slippin' on chick'en juice" has yet to leave my head...

The Spiedie's were tasty!!! I had told a friend at work about my morning...& you've gotta love it when someone you are unaware that knows comes up & says..."does anyone smell chicken juice??".

Good luck to you as you prep for this holiday!

Have a beautiful & "laid back" holiday weekend everyone!!!

<3 Rhi