Monday, November 26, 2012

One Year

Dear Harlow,
One year.
6 months of little sleep, asking my parents to babysit…just so I could sleep, 3 pairs of my worn-in-perfectly cotton “woobie” yoga pants, 1 pair of lulu yoga pants, 3 pairs of patent leather shoes, 3 bras, 1 book, my favorite red wedge mary jane heels, Aunt Laurie’s flip-flops, my flip-flops, my favorite pillow, my “list”, Gram’s shoes, multiple tree ornaments…& that doesn’t even touch the stuff that survived despite the holes, & oh yes… potty-training.
As long as that list could be, it wouldn’t begin to compare in length if you were able to make one regarding me. My inconsistency would most likely top your list…
But that’s the beauty—dogs do not make lists, you just love. You’re a constant reminder of who I am, who I’m not, who I don’t have to try to be, how I can become better, where I can let go, where I can step it up, what is not important, & who is important.
Here are just a few things you’ve taught me that stand out most…
• Saying yes to every invite is not necessary, nor healthy.
• The “guilt” of being a parent (even to an animal) will always surface. So—accept it, make the best choice for both of you, & let it go. When it creeps back up… repeat.
• A slipcover that is clean AND put back on the sofa = A small, yet gratifying feat
• White Furniture + Black Dog = God’s sense of humor
• Over-analyzing is pointless.
• Smiles & Wags are sufficient displays of gratitude.
• Personalities are meant to be multi-dimensional.
• Frustration & force do not make someone the Alpha.
• Presence & appreciation are more fulfilling than any treat.
• A transparent bag of less-than-solid poop is a conversation starter for all curious children & a slice of humility for an adult.
• The metaphor of picking up the poop you’re responsible for is much more profound than the task itself.
So, yes—One year.
6 months of snoozing next to a cuddly puppy that sleeps-in later than me, multiple claw marks on my yoga mat that remind me who I get to see when I arrive home, 2 pairs of shoes (1 patent leather) simply relocated just for fun, 6 tennis-balls to fish out from under the couch or bed, 1 king-size duvet that mysteriously finds its way into the living room, 5 toys stolen from neighbors yards–“found” by you, 1 tree ornament (so far) found on the rug (unharmed), 1 cozy puppy to warm my feet while standing at the sink, too many kisses to count, 1 heart that melts, 2 eyes that tear up just thinking how grateful I am to have you in my life…& oh yes, my very own human-training.
Best. Dog. EVER.
Love, Hugs, Smiles, & Wags~